Tuesday 22 September 2015

Basic pharmacy terms/definations part 2

Rheology, Viscosity, Shearing Stress, Dispersed System, Colloidal Dispersion, Colloids & Coarse Dispersion.

Rheology is the study of the flow and deformation properties of the matter.
The viscosity of a fluid is its resistance to flow or movement.
According to flow, fluids are of two types. They are:-
1.       Newtonian Fluids &
2.       Non- Newtonian Fluids.
1.       Newtonian Fluids:- Liquids which follow Newton’s law of viscous flow are known as newtonian’s liquids.
2.       Non-Newtonian Fluids:- Liquids which do not follow Newton’s law are known as non-newtonian fluids.
Example: Colloidal dispersion, emulsions, suspensions and ointments.
Shearing Stress:
The force per unit area F/A required to bring about flow is called the “Shearing Stress”
·         The flow properties of Non-Newtonian Materials are three types. They are:-
1.       Plastic flow
2.       Pseudo plastic flow
3.       Dilatants flow.
Dispersed System:
A dispersed system is defined as a system in which one phase, the dispersed phase, is distributed uniformly as particles throughout another phase, called the sispersion medium or continuous phase.
Colloidal Dispersion:
If the particles have a size ranging from 1 nm to 1 µm, which is dispersed in the continuous phase, this system is called colloidal dispersion.
The particles have a size ranging from 1 nm to 1 µm is called colloids.
Because of their large surface area, colloids show greater efficiency for absorption or adsorption.
Coarse Dispersion:
The size of the dispersed particles ranging from 1 µm to 100 µm, which is dispersed in the continuous phase, this system is called coarse dispersion.

Parts, Molarity, Molality, Normality, Moles, Mole fraction, Mill/equivalents and normal solutions, Percent, ppm, ppb, ppt & ppq.

Pharmacopoeias express some concentrations in terms of the number of 'parts' of solute dissolved in a stated number of 'parts' of solution.
Molarity                               : Moles of solute per liter of solution.
[Example: Molecular weight of NaOH is “40” (Na=23; O=16; H=1). When the unit of this number is expressed as “gram” and when this 40 gm of NaOH is dissolved in 1 liter solution this is called “1 molar NaOH Solution”
Molality                                : Moles of solute per kilogram of solvent.
[Example: Molecular weight of NaOH is “40” (Na=23; O=16; H=1). When the unit of this number is expressed as “gram” and when this 40 gm of NaOH is dissolved in 1 kilogram of solvent this is called “1 molal NaOH Solution”
Normality            : Equivalent weight of solute per liter of solution.
[Example: Molecular weight H2SO4 is “98” (and equivalent weight of H2SO4 is “46”. When the unit of this number is expressed as “gram” and when this 46 gm of H2SO4 is dissolved in 1 liter solution this is called “1 normal H2SO4 Solution”
Moles                     : When the molecular weight of a compound expressed as mass and unit is “gram”, then this amount is called as mole of that compound.
Mole fraction
This is often used in theoretical considerations and is defined as the number of moles of solute divided by the total number of moles of solute and solvent, i.e.:
mole fraction of solute ( x1 )    = -----------         
                                                     n1 + n2
where n\ and n2 are the numbers of moles of solute and solvent, respectively.
Mill/equivalents and normal solutions
The concentrations of solutes in body fluids and  in solutions used as replacements for those fluids are usually expressed in terms of the number of millimoles (1 millimole = one thousandth of a mole) in a litre of solution. In the case of electrolytes, however, these concentrations may still be expressed in terms of milliequivalents per litre. A milliequivalent (mEq) of an ion is, in fact, one thousandth of the gram equivalent of the ion, which is in turn the ionic weight expressed in grams divided by the valency of the ion. Alternatively,
                 ionic weight in mg
1mEq = ----------------------------
One part per hundred is generally represented by the percent (%) symbol and denotes one part per 100 parts, one part in 102
One part per moillion (ppm) denotes one part per 1,000,000 parts, one part in 106; One ppm is equivalent to 1 milligram of something per liter of water (mg/l) or 1 milligram of something per kilogram solid (mg/kg) (1/1,000,000)
One part per billion (ppb) denotes one part per 1,000,000,000 parts, one part in 109, One ppb represents one microgram of something per liter of water (ug/l), or one microgram of something per kilogram of solid (ug/kg). (1/1,000,000,000)
One part pertrillion (ppt) denotes one part per 1,000,000,000,000 parts, one part in 1012
One part per quadrillion (ppq) denotes one part per 1,000,000,000,000,000 parts, one part in 1015 (1/1,000,000,000,000,000).

Dissolution, Factors affecting the rate of dissolution, Solubility & Types of Solubility.

Dissolution and Solubility:
Solution: Solution is the homogenous mixture of solute and solvent.
Generally the largest portion of the solution is called solvent and the smallest portion which is dissolved is the solvent is called solute.
Dissolution: The transfer of molecules or ions from a solid state into solution is known as dissolution.
Factors affecting the rate of dissolution:
1.       Size of solid particles.
2.       Dispersibility of powdered solid in dissolution medium.
3.       Porosity of solid particles.
4.       Temperature
5.       Nature of dissolution medium.
6.       Molecular structure of solute.
7.       Crystalline form of solid.
8.       Volume of dissolution medium.
9.       pH

Solubility: The solubility of a substance is the maximum amount of that substance which can dissolve in a certain amount of solvent definition
A good solvent is usually based on the 'like dissolves like' principle, that is, a solute dissolves best in a solvent with similar chemical properties. The concept traditionally follows two rules:
1.       Polar solutes dissolve in polar solvents.
2.       Non-polar solutes dissolve in non-polar solvents.
Determination of the solubility of a solid in a liquid
The following points should be observed in all solubility determinations:
1.       The solvent and the solute must be pure.
2.       A saturated solution must be obtained before any solution is removed for analysis.
3.       The method of separating a sample of saturated solution from undissolved solute must be satisfactory.
4.       The method of analysing the solution must be reliable.
5.       Temperature must be adequately controlled.
Types of Solubility:
Approximate weight of solvent (ml) necessary to dissolve 1 g of solute
Very soluble
< 1
less than 1 ml solvent is required to dissolve 1 gm of solute
Freely soluble
Between 1 and 10
Solvent between 1 ml to 10 ml is required to dissolve 1 gm of solute
Between 10 and 30
Solvent between 10 ml to 30 ml is required to dissolve 1 gm of solute
Sparingly soluble
Between 30 and 100
Solvent between 30 ml to 100 ml is required to dissolve 1 gm of solute
Slightly soluble
Between 100 and 1000
Solvent between 100 ml to 1000 ml is required to dissolve 1 gm of solute
Very slightly soluble
Between 1000 and 10 000
Solvent between 1000 ml to 10 000 ml is required to dissolve 1 gm of solute
Practically insoluble
> 10 000
Greater  than 10 000 ml solvent is required to dissolve 1 gm of solute

1 comment:

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